Results for 'Williard Gatewood Jr'

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  1.  21
    Interpreting Figurative Meaning. Gibbs Jr & Herbert L. Colston - 2012 - Cambridge University Press.
    Interpreting Figurative Meaning critically evaluates the recent empirical work from psycholinguistics and neuroscience examining the successes and difficulties associated with interpreting figurative language. There is now a huge, often contradictory literature on how people understand figures of speech. Gibbs and Colston argue that there may not be a single theory or model that adequately explains both the processes and products of figurative meaning experience. Experimental research may ultimately be unable to simply adjudicate between current models in psychology, linguistics and philosophy (...)
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  2. Petrarch, Augustine, and the Classical Christian Tradition.Albert Rabil Jr - 1988 - In Albert Rabil (ed.), Renaissance humanism: foundations, forms, and legacy. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press. pp. 95-114.
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  3. ``Conjunctivitis".Henry E. Kyburg Jr - 1970 - In Marshall Swain (ed.), Induction, acceptance, and rational belief. Dordrecht,: Reidel. pp. 55-82.
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  4. Practical reasoning.Thomas M. Osborne Jr - 2011 - In Brian Davies & Eleonore Stump (eds.), The Oxford handbook of Aquinas. New York: Oxford University Press.
    Aquinas thinks that practical reason is distinct but not entirely insulated from speculative reason. Although his description of practical reasoning applies to a variety of human activities, his greatest focus is on that practical reasoning which is involved in human action. Although practical reasoning resembles the speculative in its use of a kind of syllogism, its connection with particular affairs precisely as contingent gives it a special character.
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    O neopsicologismo humanista.Bento Prado Jr - 1980 - Discurso 13:87-94.
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    Salmon's paper.E. KyburgHenry - 1965 - Philosophy of Science 32 (2):147-151.
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    When is a bribe a bribe? Teaching a workable definition of bribery.Harvey S. James Jr - 2002 - Teaching Business Ethics 6 (2):199-217.
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    God and the History of the Universe. Cobb Jr - 2017 - Process Studies 46 (2):299-301.
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    Innovative Dynamism Improves the Environment.Arthur M. Diamond Jr - 2018 - Libertarian Papers 10.
    : The economic system of innovative dynamism is often accused of harming the environment. The opposite is true. As economies flourish through innovative dynamism, birth rates decline, new ways to extract old resources are invented, and previously useless materials are turned into useful new resources. Human and nonhuman animals are often adaptable and resilient in the […].
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    Finitude and Hume's Principle.Richard G. Heck Jr - 1997 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 26 (6):589 - 617.
    The paper formulates and proves a strengthening of 'Frege's Theorem', which states that axioms for second-order arithmetic are derivable in second-order logic from Hume's Principle, which itself says that the number of Fs is the same as the number of Gs just in case the Fs and Gs are equinumerous. The improvement consists in restricting this claim to finite concepts, so that nothing is claimed about the circumstances under which infinite concepts have the same number. 'Finite Hume's Principle' also suffices (...)
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    The Concepts of Space in Plotinus.José Carlos Baracat Jr - 2013 - Dois Pontos 10 (2).
    O objetivo deste artigo é recolher passagens das Enéadas que contêm informação relevante para a investigação dos conceitos de espaço/lugar em Plotino. Espero poder indicar, depois disso, que pelo menos três noções de espaço/lugar coexistem na filosofia de Plotino: i) Plotino distingue espaço e matéria, mas dessa distinção não fica claro a) se o espaço subsiste à parte dos corpos, ou b) se ele é apenas um relativo, ou c) se ele é uma das propriedades dos corpos e, neste caso, (...)
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    Kant, Analyticity, and the Paradox of Analysis.T. W. Schick Jr - 1986 - Idealistic Studies 16 (2):125-131.
    Although Kant introduced the analytic/synthetic distinction, and although this distinction has been immensely influential, very few philosophers find Kant’s formulation of the distinction acceptable. Quine, for example, rejects Kant’s characterization of analyticity on the grounds that “it appeals to a notion of containment which is left at a metaphorical level.” This criticism is, I believe, unwarranted, for, although Kant is not as clear about the notion of conceptual containment as one would like, in both the Critique of Pure Reason and (...)
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  13.  36
    Roger B. Taney. Carl Brent SwisherHistoric Opinions of the United States Supreme Court. Ambrose Doskow.Benjamin F. Wright Jr - 1936 - International Journal of Ethics 46 (4):507-509.
  14.  44
    Concerning the Argument from Perspectival Variation.John Knox Jr - 1962 - Review of Metaphysics 15 (3):518-521.
    What were seen widely in Hume's time as "the obvious dictates of reason" are rarely if ever seen as such today. One reads now that the table does not seem to diminish as one removes oneself from it; instead it appears roughly the same in size all the while. And, what if it did seem to diminish? This would not prove that the existent of which one is visually aware is diminishing, and is therefore but the image of the table (...)
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  15. On mr Nelson's rejection of sense-data.John Knox Jr - 1966 - Ratio (Misc.) 8 (June):90-95.
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    Zoltán Bay on education and science teaching.László Kovács Jr - 1996 - Science & Education 5 (3):309-311.
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    Dennett's beer.Henry E. Kyburg Jr - 1994 - In Kenneth M. Ford & Zenon W. Pylyshyn (eds.), The Robot's Dilemma Revisited: The Frame Problem in Artificial Intelligence. Ablex.
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    Induction.Henry E. Kyburg Jr - 1990 - In Henry Ely Kyburg (ed.), Science & reason. New York: Oxford University Press.
    Induction is the inference from a sample to a population, regardless of the possible existence of exceptions. Induction is used in the practice of science and engineering based on knowledge that can be accepted as evidence. There are two bodies of knowledge: evidential corpus, a set of propositions acceptable as evidence in a certain context; and practical corpus, a set of propositions counting as “practically certain” in that context. There are five kinds of induction described: statistical, universal, nomic, theoretical, and (...)
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    Dominium politicum et regale: Sir John Fortescue's Solution to the Problem of Tyranny as Presented by Thomas Aquinas and Ptolemy of Lucca.Thomas M. Osborne Jr - 2000 - Mediaeval Studies 62 (1):161-187.
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    ‘High desire’, or ‘merely’ an addiction? A response to Steele et al.Donald L. Hilton Jr - 2014 - Socioaffective Neuroscience and Psychology 4.
    The validity of an argument depends on the soundness of its premises. In the recent paper by Steele et al., conclusions are based on the initial construction of definitions relating to ‘desire’ and...
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    Kant's Utopianism. Hill Jr - 1974 - In Gerhard Funke (ed.), Akten des 4. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses: Mainz, 6.–10. April 1974, Teil 2: Sektionen 1,2. De Gruyter. pp. 918-924.
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  22. Why general knowledge should be a goal of education in a democracy.E. D. Hirsch Jr - unknown
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    Thoughts on a New Volume of a Hittite Dictionary.Harry A. Hoffner, Jr - 2000 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 120 (1):68.
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  24. Free sets and reverse mathematics.Carl G. Jockusch Jr - 2005 - In Stephen Simpson (ed.), Reverse Mathematics 2001. Association for Symbolic Logic. pp. 104.
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  25. Neuro Wine In Old Vessels: A Critique Of D'Aquili And Newberg.John D. Gilroy Jr - 2005 - Process Studies 8:2.
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    The "Blackness of Blackness": A Critique of the Sign and the Signifying Monkey.Henry Louis Gates Jr - 1983 - Critical Inquiry 9 (4):685-723.
    Perhaps only Tar Baby is as enigmatic and compelling a figure from Afro-American mythic discourse as is that oxymoron, the Signifying Monkey.3 The ironic reversal of a received racist image of the black as simianlike, the Signifying Monkey—he who dwells at the margins of discourse, ever punning, ever troping, ever embodying the ambiguities of language—is our trope for repetition and revision, indeed, is our trope of chiasmus itself, repeating and simultaneously reversing in one deft, discursive act. If Vico and Burke, (...)
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    Demythologizing `or'. MathewsBill Jr - 1974 - Mind 83 (329):106-107.
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    Gewirth on rights.Edward Regis Jr - 1981 - Journal of Philosophy 78 (12):786-794.
  29.  26
    The Logic of Causal Methods in Social Science.Frederick S. Ellett Jr & David P. Ericson - 1983 - Synthese 57 (1):67 - 82.
    Two kinds of causal inference rules which are widely used by social scientists are investigated. Two conceptions of causation also widely used are explicated -- the INUS and probabilistic conceptions of causation. It is shown that the causal inference rules which link correlation, a kind of partial correlation, and a conception of causation are invalid. It is concluded a new methodology is required for causal inference.
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    What's Wrong with Contextualism, and a Noncontextualist Resolution of the Skeptical Paradox.Mylan Engel Jr - 2004 - Erkenntnis 61 (2-3):203 - 231.
    Skeptics try to persuade us of our ignorance with arguments like the following: 1. I don't know that I am not a handless brain-in-a-vat [BIV]. 2. If I don't know that I am not a handless BIV, then I don't know that I have hands. Therefore, 3. I don't know that I have hands. The BIV argument is valid, its premises are intuitively compelling, and yet, its conclusion strikes us as a absurd. Something has to go, but what? Contextualists contend (...)
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  31.  37
    (1 other version)The Idea of a Summer Workshop for High School Philosophy Teachers.William B. Barton Jr - 1969 - Journal of Critical Analysis 1 (3):262-264.
  32. O procceso histórico constituinte do vintenário da Carta de 88.Bruno Boaventura Jr - 2008 - Aletheia: Cuadernos Críticos Del Derecho 2:20 - 44.
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    (1 other version)Haeckel and Nietzsche: aspects of the criticism of mechanicism in nineteenth century.Wilson Antonio Frezzatti Jr - 2003 - Scientiae Studia 1 (4):435-461.
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  34. Orthodoxy and heterodoxy in the research on the foundations of quantum physics : E.P. Wigner's case.Olival Freire Jr - 2007 - In Boaventura de Sousa Santos (ed.), Cognitive Justice in a Global World: Prudent Knowledges for a Decent Life. Lanham: Lexington Books.
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    Antitrust: Fifth Circuit allows private benefit under state action doctrine.C. F. Giesler Jr - 1998 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 26 (3):250.
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    Can a valid argument be based on differential certainty?John Knox Jr - 1970 - Mind 79 (314):275-277.
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    The wrong and the bad.John Herman Randall Jr - 1954 - Journal of Philosophy 51 (24):764-775.
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    Political philosophy, ethnology, and time: a study of the notion of historical handicap.João Feres Jr - 2002 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 43 (105):19-42.
  39.  46
    Critical care: Why there is no global bioethics.Tristram H. Engelhardt Jr - 1998 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 23 (6):643 – 651.
    The high technology and the costs involved in critical care disclose the implausibility of applying the American standard version of bioethics in the developing world. The American standard version of bioethics was framed during the rapid secularization of the American culture, the emergence of a new image for the medical profession, the development of high technology medicine, an ever greater demand in resources, and a shift of focus from families and communities to individuals. This all brought with it a particular (...)
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  40.  22
    "Creation" east and west.Niels C. Nielsen Jr - 1963 - The Monist 47 (3):444 - 454.
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    Comments on Hofstadter.Guy L. Steele Jr - 1982 - Synthese 53 (2):219 - 226.
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    Comments on Salmon's "Inductive Evidence".Henry E. Kyburg Jr - 1965 - American Philosophical Quarterly 2 (4):274 - 276.
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    Gathering Evidence for Linguistic Innateness.Henry Rosemont Jr - 1978 - Synthese 38 (1):127 - 148.
  44.  28
    Looking to the new millennium: Homage to Edmund D. Pellegrino.H. Tristram Engelhardt Jr - 2000 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 25 (1):3 – 4.
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    Measurability, commonsensibility, and primary qualities.Jr Gordon G. Brittan - 1969 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 47 (1):15 – 24.
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    On a Certain Form of Philosophical Argument.Henry E. Kyburg Jr - 1970 - American Philosophical Quarterly 7 (3):229 - 237.
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    On the Tenth Anniversary of "Cardozo Studies in Law and Literature".John Jay Osborn Jr - 1998 - Cardozo Studies in Law and Literature 10 (2):129-130.
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    Parisinus 8031: Codex Optimus for the A-MSS of Seneca’s Tragedies.Alexander P. Jr - 1978 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 122 (1-2):88-110.
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    Sleep and death.Jr Henry W. Johnstone - 1976 - The Monist 59 (2):218 - 233.
  50.  16
    S-P Interrogatives.Nuel D. Belnap Jr - 1972 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 1 (3/4):331 - 346.
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